Fallen Aristocrat | A Charmed Life



Humanity has created charms to ward off evil and attract good fortune since the Bronze age— a practice that has only grown more complex as sacred talismans carved of bone, wood, and shell were exchanged for golden memories and gilded promises. 
Yet the sentiment and ritual ultimately remain. 
We collect and wear charms as a symbol of something greater to believe in. The memory of a sunlit afternoon holding your grandmother's hand, a promise to travel, a reminder to search four-leafed clovers though time trickles ever on.
No matter the material or millenia, we wear charms in hope something more will come. 


"Charm is a way of getting the answer 'yes' without having asked any clear questions." 
- Albert Camus



Customize Your Collection

If you'd like assistance, or to see how a certain collection of charms might lay on the chain of your choice, email or DM us on instagram and let us play with you! We can assemble pieces, and exchange photos/video so you can see how your choices go together before purchasing, swap them out, and explore to find just the right style. 
Until then…
Explore all our charms here!
All links may be found by clicking through images.
Explore the full collection further here!


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