Fallen Aristocrat | Summer Horoscopes


Summer Horoscopes


Playful and perhaps even a little prophetic, we've created twelve horoscopes to pair with each of our Fallen Aristocrat zodiac charms. The stars whispered secrets of the soul in our ears (or maybe we've just done an adequate amount of internet sleuthing) to bring this lore to you. 
As well as a few friendly suggestions.  
A ram stands in relief, tinged mossy green—a print of a charm. The text says: "Aries: March 21-April 19. As fun as it is to climb every mountain and run three marathons back to back, maybe it's time to consider the fact you've girl-bossed too close to the sun. Taking a nap once in a while won’t kill you. Add a lavender eye pillow, and you might even enjoy yourself!"
As fun as it is to climb every mountain and run three marathons back to back, maybe it's time to consider the fact you've girl-bossed too close to the sun. Taking a nap once in a while won’t kill you. Add a lavender eye pillow, and you might even enjoy yourself!
A bull stands in relief tinged warm blue, the print of our French charm. The text says: "Taurus: April 20-May 20: Vintage sings to your soul, but have you ever heard the phrase bull in a China shop? Legally, we can’t be held responsible for any curses attached to the antiques, so step lightly around the Ginger Jars and knock twice when you see wood."
Vintage sings to your soul, but have you ever heard the phrase bull in a China shop? Legally, we can’t be held responsible for any curses attached to the antiques, so step lightly around the Ginger Jars and knock twice when you see wood.
Twins curl up to one another over a swirling column on its side, Gemini in relief printed with blue ink. Below the text reads: "Gemini: May 21-June 20: If life is a garden, you are the manic butterfly with commitment issues dying to see if the nectar is sweeter on the other side. And while that’s great for pollination, it might be worth investing in a rose candle for those moments you need to stay still."
If life is a garden, you are the manic butterfly with commitment issues dying to see if the nectar is sweeter on the other side. And while that’s great for pollination, it might be worth investing in a rose candle for those moments you need to stay still.
A crab stands in a circle painted orange, the numbers 69 stacked on their sides on the crab's back. Below the text reads: "Cancer: June 21-July 22. You’ve been guarding that nest for so long, you forgot that you have wings. But there’s a Fabio look-alike lounging on a beach in Italy, and your 7th House won’t stop blasting “Love Story” until you go. So dust off those tail feathers, grab a beach blanket and a sunhat, and fly, bird, fly!"
You’ve been guarding that nest for so long, you forgot that you have wings. But there’s a Fabio look-alike lounging on a beach in Italy, and your 7th House won’t stop blasting “Love Story” until you go. So dust off those tail feathers, grab a beach blanket and a sunhat, and fly, bird, fly!
A lion stands proudly in relief, painted a deep blood orange. The text reads "Leo: July 23-August 22. Cottagecore or Coastal Grandma—whatever the aesthetic, we all know you COMMIT. But before you toss beaucoup bucks at that crumbling chateau you saw for sale on Instagram, tap into your creative side and see what you can do with a tablecloth and vintage candlesticks."
Cottagecore or Coastal Grandma—whatever the aesthetic, we all know you COMMIT. But before you toss beaucoup bucks at that crumbling chateau you saw for sale on Instagram, tap into your creative side and see what you can do with a tablecloth and vintage candlesticks.
A cloaked woman kneels beside a unicorn, painted a soft pink in a circle. Below the text reads, "Virgo: August 23-September 22. Even a master puppeteer can get tangled up in the strings. You spend months setting the stage, perfecting lines, and teaching a wooden goat how to yodel—only to realize you lost the plot halfway through. Don’t focus so much on the details that you forget the story you’re telling. Keeping a Notebook helps.
Even a master puppeteer can get tangled up in the strings. You spend months setting the stage, perfecting lines, and teaching a wooden goat how to yodel—only to realize you lost the plot halfway through. Don’t focus so much on the details that you forget the story you’re telling. Keeping a Notebook helps.
A set of scales lies within a circle, triangular cords holding the dishes to either side balanced by a pole, surrounded by a circle in deep red. The text reads, "Libra: September 23-October 22. The balance you bring to any room puts Wes Anderson to shame, but having two of everything gets old fast when you’re the only person to share it with. Next time Venus aligns with Mars, send out a handful of love letters, light twin candlesticks, and wait for Prince Charming to arrive."
The balance you bring to any room puts Wes Anderson to shame, but having two of everything gets old fast when you’re the only person to share it with. Next time Venus aligns with Mars, send out a handful of love letters, light twin candlesticks, and wait for Prince Charming to arrive.
A scorpion curls on top of an M-shape, the ancient sign for Scorpio surrounded by a circle painted deep yellow. The text reads, "Scorpio: October 23-November 21. In another life, we’d probably find you brooding as you wander the moors in search of a lost love—but as it’s the 21st century, an open mic night filled with truly terrible poetry is all we’re likely to get. Just remember some art should stay private, and this is why cute journals exist."
In another life, we’d probably find you brooding as you wander the moors in search of a lost love—but as it’s the 21st century, an open mic night filled with truly terrible poetry is all we’re likely to get. Just remember some art should stay private, and this is why cute journals exist.
A centaur stands with its bow and arrow notched, ready to fire—with the upper torso of a human, the bottom torso of a horse painted in sage green. The text reads, "Sagittarius: November 22-December 21. Independence is a virtue until it’s not—especially on a roadtrip with friends. When the group’s ready to call it a night but three margaritas say that table looks perfect for dancing, listen to Patricia, stuff some bar peanuts in your belt bag, and get in the effing car. Unless you want to end up on the wrong side of Tiktok, that is."
Independence is a virtue until it’s not—especially on a roadtrip with friends. When the group’s ready to call it a night but three margaritas say that table looks perfect for dancing, listen to Patricia, stuff some bar peanuts in your belt bag, and get in the effing car. Unless you want to end up on the wrong side of Tiktok, that is.
With the upper torso of a goat and the bottom half of a fish, Capricorn is an elusive, mystical creature painted in a green circle here. The text reads, "Capricorn: December 22-January 19. If life feels like one giant checklist, it’s because it is. Spontaneity is not a four-letter word, and the faster you try to write yourself rules, the faster the Universe will throw brick walls their way—but hey, if that’s fun for you, you’re welcome to keep trying. Just make sure to pack an aromatherapy roll-on for the headache."

If life feels like one giant checklist, it’s because it is. Spontaneity is not a four-letter word, and the faster you try to write yourself rules, the faster the Universe will throw brick walls their way—but hey, if that’s fun for you, you’re welcome to keep trying. Just make sure to pack an aromatherapy roll-on for the headache.

The waterbearer kneels here, a person wrapped in robes pouring water from an urn-shaped vase, painted aqua blue. The text below reads: Aquarius, January 20-February 18. Spreadsheets and schedules are your personal idea of hell—which is probably why you went for the liberal arts degree. But hey, take some comfort knowing that when you see those antique French chairs downstairs, you’ll know exactly which King Louis’s derrière once sat on them."
Spreadsheets and schedules are your personal idea of hell—which is probably why you went for the liberal arts degree. But hey, take some comfort knowing that when you see those antique French chairs downstairs, you’ll know exactly which King Louis’s derrière once sat on them.
Two fish swim in circles around each other, one on top and the other below, painted in deep blue. The text below reads: "Pisces, February 19-March 20. Some people’s paradise is a solitary desert retreat away from everyone they love. You are not some people. Sure, you’d be thrilled to do yoga by moonlight and burn Palo Santo wood until the sunrise—but the thought of being alone that long breaks you out into hives. Enlist a designated travel buddy, and see what adventures unfold."
Some people’s paradise is a solitary desert retreat away from everyone they love. You are not some people. Sure, you’d be thrilled to do yoga by moonlight and burn Palo Santo wood until the sunrise—but the thought of being alone that long breaks you out into hives. Enlist a designated travel buddy, and see what adventures unfold.
Pair these with a chain from Fallen Aristocrat, or explore the entire Mythos Collection here!
Find our suggested pieces and treats at The Paris Market.



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